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Der Begriff Point-of-Care-Testing oder kurz POCT, zu deutsch patientennahe Labordiagnostik, bezeichnet in der Medizin diagnostische Untersuchungen, die nicht in einem Zentrallabor, sondern im Krankenhaus unmittelbar auf der Krankenstation, in der Praxis eines niedergelassenen Arztes, oder einer öffentlichen Apotheke durchgeführt werden.


Some significant changes in the European hospital sector have occurred over the last 20 years. The necessity to contain the exploding costs in particular has led to a reduction in the number of hospitals and hospital beds, and staffing levels have also been affected by the many cost cutting measures. This has not been without its consequences, as we now know.


Das Spektrum patientennah durchführbarer Laboranalysen („point-of-care testing“, POCT) umfasst Analysen aus vielen Bereichen der Laboratoriumsmedizin, von der einfachen Blutzuckerbestimmung bis zur komplexen Gerinnungsanalytik.
Artikel von Ralf Junker, Harald Schlebusch, Peter B. Luppa.


Does rapid assessment shorten the amount of time patients spend in the emergency department? Background: Overcrowding in the emergency department is a common phenomenon. This study assessed the impact of introducing a consultant-supported rapid assessment model, known as EDIT, and point of care testing upon the length of time patients spend in the emergency department.